September 22, 2021

Well I have the Hot Air Balloon up and running at Give Kids The World. After many attempts to install a circuit board that will reverse the polarity and reverse the balloon direction I finally found the Aztec board with the sensors across the track works the best. Had to use a large square box to trigger the sensors. A smaller one did not work consistently. The balloon needs a final tweak to get it to just touch the ground and not go too far but will do that after the Garden Scale Model Railroad meet this Saturday. Going to try to post a video of it here but not sure if it will work.

August 28, 2021

I know its been awhile since I have updated this. Been sidetracked by the hot air balloon project at Give Kids The World. Also have been changing all the push buttons at GKTW to new ones. They work easier, are a bright yellow and look good. That will make it easier for the kids and families.

The hot air balloon project has been in the works for awhile but was side tracked by other things. I made the hot air balloon by blowing up a balloon and then covering it with paper strips and glue. After about three layers I popped the balloon and removed it. What is left is a good solid shell to paint and hang. The first one I did, which does not have a very smooth surface. I will hang this one in the background at GKTW.

This the third balloon I made and it has come out much better. Its larger and smoother although its not perfect. The plan is to have the balloon hanging by a fishline connected to a motor with a reversing circuit board attached. When the button for the hot air balloon is pushed it will activate the timed relay and provide power to the circuit board. The circuit board is set to go one direction for 60 seconds then reverse polarity and go the other direction for 60 seconds. I have also researched lights for a flame to use when the balloon is activated. Although I tried many different things the only one , so far, is using the parts from a timed tealight. I wanted to use a motion sensor to start and stop the light however I have not been able to find one that is accurate enough to work.

Here is a picture of the new one:

This is the first Hot Air Balloon I made. It has turned out too small for the GKTW layout so making a new one larger.